Sunday 3 April 2011

Not ENTIRELY True. . . - Milan, WA5

Should the opportunity occur, I would write a novel with historical references. A good example of something already done would be the Da Vinci Code, where historical links are interpreted in a fictional fashion and a plot line forms based off of characters that are involved with it. Whether the novel would be placed in a fictional point in the past, present, or future would depend on the context upon which I'm writing. In fact, I might decide to incorporate all three opportunities to form a novel that spans over many generations. Thus having said that, I would indeed want to write a series.

However, there is no good novel without a primary message that is both relatable to the real world and something that can be observed with a critical eye. That being said, a possible topic would be revolving around secret societies such as the Masons or the Templar. However, these are traditionally cliche themes for a historical fiction novel to be based off of.

Perhaps something of more novelty would lie along the lines of an international organization that has existed for the entirety of man's presence of Earth. Similar to the movie The Adjustment Bureau, my made-up organization was made to keep the life of man in check. Instead of having an all-knowing chairman such as in the Adjustment Bureau, the members of the organization would, do, and will forever strive to keep from a single group of people from conquering the world.

Through ever-present monitoring and infiltration, the organization, aptly named Novi (from the Latin "know"), seeks to topple nations that they have deemed to be too powerful. The history goes back to the Egyptian Empire, to the Roman Empire, to the Mongolian Empire, and even to America's independence, were all a result of the plans of the Novi members. For example, Rome's collapse may partially be attributed to its greedy conquest of land. However, members of Novi know that the collapse was entirely attributable to a series of contributions of members that ranged from influencing military generals to changing public opinions.

Indeed, one doesn't not voluntarily choose to be a part of the completely secret organization. In my novel, members of the organization are first born as humans with exceptional abilities. One such ability is to sense the presence of other humans with the same abilities. As Novi relies on these extremely rare traits, they can track down potential new members fairly quickly to keep an eye on them. Some humans choose to ignore their abilities as simply heightened senses. However, those that begin experimenting are quickly isolated. At some point in their early lives, a 'tragic' accident occurs in which the child is spirited away. Perhaps they are lost in a crowd and kidnapped, or become stranded in a forest, they are never seen again.

The novels would take place over hundreds of years. As not every single period in human history can possibly be covered, I would pick certain time-frames to be the subject for the storyline. But for further clarification, the organization does not seek to single-handedly topple whole countries. Rather, they seek to influence the collapse of these countries/empires. As such, the collapse of the Roman Empire or the gradual decline of the British Empire would be possible to explain (military influences for the Romans and public opinion changes for the British). For example, the leader of a social movement for independence from Britain may in my novel be a successor to a leader who mysteriously disappears during a campaign. All following independence movements and independence recognitions would be a result of worldwide efforts to diminish the Empire.

Character perspectives would range from first-person to third-person. While the the majority of the storylines would take place in the third-person, occasional bursts of first-person would occur as Novi members tap into one of their abilities: to see the memories of their ancestors.

Obviously, a theme here would be to never trust what you see or read unless you are absolutely sure it is right (with the only way of doing so being that one was actually there). The last novel may strike a chord with the notion that Novi may become dormant in the future as the human race catches up to its staggering progress and begins to settle for world peace, reiterating the fact that even though hope is for the most part a desperate feeling, its continued presence results in a positive state of mind; in essence, something is better than nothing. Numerous other occasions of drama and romance would occur, with Novi members becoming tied up with the human feelings they are supposed to ignore in order to accomplish their respective goals. With the ability to see memories of the past, notions of "What if?" would be prevalent throughout the series, thus adding to the fictional aspect of the series and inspiring thought-provoking events throughout.

Ultimately, the series would not only provide the entertainment values that a series needs in order to continue its lifespan, but it would also possess messages that become more and more visible as the story progresses towards its inspiring culmination. Given that it is based party off of history, an immense amount of research would have to be done to ensure that the boundaries of the novel are not too far-fetched and that they remain within the confines of possibility (no aliens, for example).

Should the opportunity occur in which I would be able to sit down with enough free time to commit to the series' commencement and ultimate completion, I would take it. The journey would, of course, be satisfying as I learn a great deal of history and improvise 'my own'. But the end result of creating a timeless legacy would, I believe, be something worth experiencing, regardless of how grueling the journey is.

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