Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Theme -----> Real Life

For my FSE, I chose to relate a memorable theme from Macbeth, fair is foul and foul is fair, as it relates very well to a period of my life. When I was very young, my parents and I had decided to take a family vacation back to my homeland China. We had spend most of our time with our family and friends, visiting the city and seeing the sights, which were very basic tourist-like things to do. Then came one day when my parents and I had decided to go shopping in this large mall filled with expensive foreign jewelery held in these glass showcases. Many of the price tags had larger numbers than I could've counted to. We had done lots of shopping until it was time to return home for supper. As we were exiting the front door, I saw a young boy, about 7 to 8 years old, sitting on the floor outside this industrial marvel of a building, crying out with a cup in his hand. It had astounded me at the time to witness such a deplorable sight and so I asked my aunt: "What is he doing there?" My aunt responded by saying: "He's a beggar, and he is in need of money." This made me feel sad since I knew that I had been showered by money from all my relatives as a "make up" present for all of my forgotten birthdays. I knew that I had been fortunate enough to be raised in much better conditions so I asked my aunt another question: "Can I go and give him some of my money?" To which my aunt responded to me with a sad tone: "You shouldn't. Those children are used by human traffickers who make money off of forcing them to beg." The feeling of wanting to help the poor child stayed with me for a long time. A few minutes later, I walked away with my aunt, never to see the child again.

This memory helped me better understand the way things where in life. The world had put on a mask of wealth and happiness while the bugs of greed and hate flourished in the darkness hidden underneath. It's hard to believe, with all the luxuries that we can afford today, a large portion of the world can barely survive. Those fortunate enough to avoid being born into poverty are often unaware of how dire the situation actually is. We see these high rise buildings built from the concrete and steel girders, yet in some places of the world, people still live in huts. This magnificent world that we see everyday isn't as picture perfect as it seems. What we've grown accustomed to, such as the television, schooling, or even running water, isn't fairly distributed around the world. This is why i chose the theme that I did, because the world isn't what it seems. To me, the theme fair is foul and foul is fair represents far more than just how Macbeth acted after murdering Duncan; it represents my perception of the earth and all the juxtaposing contrasts in it.

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